USA opens up boat travel to Cuba

USA opens up boat travel to Cuba

Several Florida based companies will be racing to be the first Ferry line to travel to Havana after the US Treasury Dept. approved such trips on Tuesday.

The first trips could come in a matter of weeks, notes the Sun Sentinel. Industry experts say travel by boat will be less expensive that flights and also provide the passenger with the ability to bring greater baggage weight.

The day or overnight trips are expected to cost between US $300 and $350, at least 25% less than the current charter flights.

Some travel limitations still exist for the four companies initially approved to provide the service and others expected to apply.

“The passenger ferries will be able to carry only authorized U.S. travelers to Cuba, including people in 12 categories who no longer need a license in advance to visit. Those categories include family visits as well as religious and educational activities, among others,” noted the Sun Sentinel.

Meanwhile, US citizens are still forbidden to travel to Cuba for exclusively tourism purposes; for that to change a portion of the half century embargo would have to be lifted by the US Congress.

According to the Sentinel, Ferry service can be expected from Miami, Key West and Fort Lauderdale and possibly from Tampa, Port Canaveral and Jacksonville (HavanaTimes).


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