Obama’s First Vacation to Martha’s Vineyard

obama-familyObama’s First Vacation to Martha’s Vineyard…

Seven months after taking the oath of office, President Obama on Sunday begins his first vacation, traveling to this tony hideaway for Hollywood stars, the wealthy and the occasional politician.

The First Family’s arrival here has been delayed a bit by Hurricane Bill, which was expected to pass close to the island before being pushed out to sea by an advancing front from the west.

The Obamas were to depart Andrews Air Force Base at 9:45 a.m. Sunday. But the hurricane forced the White House to postpone the departure until 1:45 p.m., robbing the president of a few hours of his week-long vacation.

Past presidents have been queasy about what they called their time away from the White House, fearing the image of a checked-out president.

Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs had no such fear last week, saying that “I don’t think the American people begrudge a president taking some time with his family that’s well earned and well deserved for a few days to see and spend time with them.” Obama is taking only a week off from his day job, far less than some of his predecessors.

Former president George H. W. Bush often took several weeks at Kennybunkport, Maine. His son, George W. Bush, spent weeks at his ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Obama will spend only seven days here. Joining him are his wife and two daughters. Best friend Valerie Jarrett, who is a senior adviser, owns a house on the Vineyard and is already here. Longtime friend Erik Whitaker will also be along for the ride, officials said. Obama’s sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, and her family joined Obama during his western trip to Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. They will also be on Martha’s Vineyard during this week, officials said. Joining Obama on the Vineyard are also the rumors: that Chelsea Clinton will be getting married here and that golf phenom Tiger Woods will be here for a round with the First Duffer.

Neither is true, officials said. Bill and Hillary Clinton have vehemently denied the rumor about their daughter. And a White House spokesman said he does not believe the president will be golfing with Woods, who plans to compete in a PGA tournament in Jersey City this week.

The president is expected to spend some time on the links, however.

The rest of the time, he will be holed up at Blue Heron Farm, a 28-acre waterfront estate.

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